Welcome to my page~

P.S: Stardoll sometimes changes the rewards ,
so I'm only sharing the ones i got,
so if you got some thing different please tell me and I'll add it.
thank you for visiting my page~

dress up games

♥ also please join my club if you can,
i need to reach 1000 members to get the achievement
i would really appreciate it

Sunday, October 9, 2011

blog important updates

Hello everyone~
i just wanted to update you with what i added new to the blog ^^

i added a search box you can find on the right →

and for the people who don't have a blogger account 
 i added follow by e-mail box you can find on the left ←

and the most important thing i added is the FAQ page
that i hope will be helping you a lot
i answered as much questions that i remember that you asked before
but if you have more questions please leave them in a comment in that page HERE
and i'll answer them right away ,and i'm glad blogger added that "Reply" button so it's easier for you to know that i answered you ♥
i know a lot of people come here
so i hope to see your comments soon ^^